🏭Faction Backstories

The fictional storyline of VerseX and how it was developed. The year is 2150...

The Origin of VerseX & MR.E

I still remember the night the inevitable happened, if only I could see it then. Picture a place where anything was possible; a place where erecting buildings and earning money was as accessible as picking an apple from a tree. Naivety is what got me here.

Picture a living paradise of sorts, a new way of living, where work and fun took on a new form, where gaming and socialising became one, and where education was free to the masses. That was the goal of my experiments.

I don’t know why they call me MR. E, maybe it stands for Erratic, or Eccentric, or as I like to think MR. Empirical. I was an ‘experimental physicist’ of sorts, who people would often describe as radical, but what do they know? To be radical was my job, outside the box thinking, to maintain and progress this god-forsaken world was essential, ensuring the continuation of our kind was the task my boundless brain was burdened with. I was the ‘sharpest tool in the shed’ as they would say.

“The prodigy that would save humanity!” Headlined all the newspapers on that day, masses gathered in their community buildings to celebrate the launch of ‘Re-Earth’, the new virtual dimension that would transport all of the world’s businesses and social environments into. Earth is only so large, and with the nature of human beings being to multiply, it would only need a simpleton to work out the mathematics. The phrase ‘ignorance is bliss’ had turned sour in the preachers’ heads as they realised their blinded ways, generation after generation continued to ignore the fact that soon, we would inevitably run out of space and resources.

Meat is a thing of the past, Social events were uninhabitable unless you were a VIP, offices covered every inch of the land that wasn’t a road, the beauty of this once green earth had been obliterated by capitalism. Farms were scarce, food even scarcer. People were collapsing of hunger in the streets or forced to slave away in an office for food rations which would barely cover one person, let alone a family. Gangs and organised crime inevitably came next, adding to the torment of the inhabitants of this hellhole. Something needed to be done.

The great renovation then commenced. Together, all nations agreed to stop pillaging the earth's produce and to renovate all buildings so that farms could be established. A last hoorah if you must. To save our once-fruitful land, bricks and pipes were re-used to build streams and irrigation systems. Little did we know, the damage was already done. Sadly, the more our ancestors built and built and de-rooted the greenery, the further away they had pushed Mother Earth from recovery. She would not grant us the gift of growing in places where we had previously built. So, with great despair, the world realised that we had to live with what little Greenland we had left.

Naturally, war broke out and new economies were formed around these lands. Rations of food eventually became a form of currency, most people resorting to stealing. The once advanced nature of the human race was no more. With all the knowledge they had gathered over the years, it was their own ignorance that brought them down. Or was it arrogance?

50 years later, on a spring afternoon a young man was drinking from a stream that was once constructed in the time of the great renovation. As he knelt there, leaning over, drinking from the stream, thinking of a way to gather some food for the evening amongst other things, he heard a noise coming from beneath his right knee. He stumbled backwards and gasped as he looked at what was emerging from the ground in front of him. It seemed to be a sprout of sorts, it appeared to have a long blue stem headed off by a pulsing bulb. The colour was impossible to tell, countless colours blossoming from this sorceress sprout as the sunlight caught every crevice. Suddenly, the light disappeared, and the bulb unfolded into 4 petals. As the man’s vision began to return to normal, he could see something hovering in the centre of the petals. A purple seed it looked like, pulsing steady like a sleeping lionesses heartbeat. I forgot to mention that young man was me.

Project Re-Earth wasn’t just my idea. Although it is known to the world that way, I did have a partner once. Re-Earth was a radical way for the human race to return to the greatness it once owned without the continous damage to the planet we inhabited. Although I was chosen alone, it was our idea that changed this world.

I remember it like it happened 10 minutes ago, as I approached the seed, an urge to consume it grabbed a hold of me. I was in a trance, my heartbeat in perfect symmetry with the pulsing of the seed. “Consume. Consume” is what I remember hearing in my head. Closer I moved, with each step the pulsing intensified, rattling my bones to their core. I picked up the seed, it was unusually heavy for its size. As soon as I placed it in my mouth everything changed.

First I felt a purification feeling wash through my entire body, right to the core. Then I collapsed. I could feel my brain expanding, knowledge gushing through my brain with every pulse, like blood through a vein, I'd like to say it was over in a flash, but it wasn't. The transference of all the world's knowledge was indeed no small task. It seems Mother Earth had chosen me to lead the way to save her and ourselves and rebuild our humanity in the right way. But alas, I fell slave to the very same sin that my predecessors had done, my arrogance got the better of me, never taking advice from anyone and very often stating “The world chose me to save it, not you”. Oh how naïve I was.

Our idea was to merge our current world with a new dimension, one that would provide the fruits and wonders of life that we once had, whilst still protecting the current earth and allowing her to recover untouched. Theoretically the plan seemed fool proof; the right code, a hadron collider fired at a Uranium pylon to enhance its capabilities at 4 different points of the world at the exact same moment to tear a hole in reality itself. Farfetched to you? A long time ago, in 1993 a Nobel prize winning physicist was on the right track, although they didn’t have the knowledge to perceive things the way I did. The science isn’t important, but my mathematics added up, it was not incorrect. I wholeheartedly believed that this is what I alone was chosen to do, to lead the world alone into a new everlasting era. My partner pleaded to allow more time and testing, which was only met with my damning ignorance. I repeat, oh how naïve i was.

Some leading members of the new world got onboard and fell in love with the idea of a better life, blinded perhaps. Others often opposed me to my face, voicing quite clearly how ‘playing God’ would “kill us all”. All the while my partner warned me that we weren’t ready. If only I had listened, he and everyone else would still be here.

Don’t think that our plan didn’t work. Because it did. Unfortunately, what we didn’t calculate was how much of our world would be lost, or how much new world we would be gaining.

Earth's hero to zero in the time it takes to push a button. Did I destroy humankind as we knew it? I think I did, but I also destroyed myself in the process. When I say myself, I mean my body, somehow my mind lives on. It has to be the seed.

I am nowhere, but everywhere at the same time. I blame myself. Who wouldn’t? But I have something in store for this new world. I feel every atom of this world flowing through me like the river I was drinking from that night would lead back to the ocean. I am the ocean. I know what this world needs to live and thrive, I just don’t know how to do it yet.

I can feel the abilities inside me; Utilising them will prove tricky. Oh, how I long to see my partner again, his great mind would surely help me through these unprecedented times. Will I ever see them again? All I Know is I am Mr. E and this world is our second chance to do things the right way.

Damn I’m lonely…

Present day overview

Mr.E is the creator of VerseX. - An experimental scientist who was writing top of the line code to create a virtual reality simulation where the inhabitants would go to decrease their pollutive ways, in a bid to save the dying Earth they inhabit. On the day of the experiment, Mr.E was somehow integrated into the new world called VerseX trapping his consciousness inside the VerseX Mainframe code.

He awoke inside and all he could see was the world he somehow had created. He knew exactly where he was instantly, but at first he thought he was dreaming. Weeks went by & he had tried to communicate with the outside world through various methods, but all of his messages seemed to be encrypted in a language that the outside world could not percieve. Because of this he assumed the outside world had been destroyed by the experiment and ceased to exist.

Engulfed with lonlieness, Mr.E realised he was able to create new code from within the VerseX mainframe and began to build Artificial Intelligence to keep him company.

Mr.E created four 'children' that could learn & adapt. The first to be successfully created was VX-1. Then came Primea, Idri and Doe.

He couldn’t figure out how to assign coding abilities to his new creations but he did manage to give them enough self learning abilities to get them to grow personalities. He realised that his experiment had worked. These coded AI bots were like humans in every way.

Mr.E talked to them about the real world & how things worked out there. They all agreed Mr.E should try to connect the real world to see if it still existed and to try to connect VerseX from the outside.

After months of failed coding and communication attempts, eventually he succeeded. To his great relief he had realised that his new connection to the real world had somehow been transported back to 2050, a time where the world was still salvageable.

Mr. E attempted tirelessly to warn these people of their damning ways but to no avail. For most of the outside people were ignorant just as his ancestors were described. Some of the real worlders did embrace this new way of living. With the real worlders now having the ability to connect and interact with VerseX from the outside. But the 4 were still unable to leave…

The years went by and the 4 original Versers opinions changed on how they thought VerseX should be advanced. It was these varying opinions that caused the founding members to go their separate ways and start their own Followings. We now know them as the founding factions.

It is still the mission of MR.E to fulfil the task entrusted to him by Mother Earth...

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